Kangaroo Jack

I think some of us like Kangaroos but this is a story that will change your mind FOREVER. I work for the animal planet zoo and they wanted me to take care of the beloved Kangaroo Jack. I stupidly said yes. I watched him and watched him and watched him. All of the sudden he appears right in front of me with Sharp teeth and two black eye's. I yell HOLY SHIT STICK'S and get the hell out of there. He appears right in front of me and does a Kangaroo kick and I fall on a rock.
I wake up and the Kangaroo has me on the animal planet zoo circle I couldn't get out. I wanted to scream but all that came out was a sound of a Kangaroo. I was scared I don't know why but yeah I guess I am stuck like this forever. This suck's ass being a animal and the worst part is not seeing your kids or your wife. Anyway Hopefully this is a trick I thought because I am so FUCKING PISSED.